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Showing posts from July 15, 2021

Design is intelligence made visible.

In a world cluttered with noise, simplicity becomes the beacon of sophistication. 🌟 Embrace the elegance of minimalism as you strip away the excess and focus on what truly matters. Let your designs speak volumes with their refined simplicity, leaving a lasting impression on all who behold them. #SimplicityIsKey #MinimalistDesign #ElegantSimplicity

Create a Massive Flyer Design In Adobe Photoshop CC2021 | Free PSD File

Create a Massive Flyer Design in Adobe Photoshop CC2021 | Video Tutorial Photoshop is a great tool for graphic design, especially screen-only digital graphics, in addition to its namesake photo editing tasks. But that is not all that is needed. With the right knowledge and thinking, you can also use Photoshop to create impressive print projects. This tutorial will walk you through the basic steps of creating the attractive flyer seen above, which can be printed out of the box with print-ready CMYK colors, right from Photoshop. You can follow these tutorials to create this exact flyer or edit the steps with the content and colors you want to get the flyer style you want using the same methods.